robotics enthusiast, engineer & researcher
As an aspiring roboticist, I am deeply interested in harnessing multi-modal information to improve how robots perceive and interact with humans and their surroundings.
With a wide variety of interests, I have developed strong skills in robotics, computer vision, programming, and deep learning.
Here are some highlights from my skill set.
I constantly seek opportunities to push the limits of my knowledge in robotics. I have worked closely with robots many forms, including robot manipulators, drones, mobile robots, auto-driving cars. And I absolutely love them all.
PATI is a Projection-based Augmented Table-top Interface for robot programming—through which
users are able to use simple, common gestures (e.g., pinch gestures) and tools (e.g., shape
tools) to specify table-top manipulation tasks (such as pick-and-place) for a robot
manipulator. It allows users to interact with the environment directly when providing task
specifications. This work indicates a new direction for end-user robot programming.
This work is published in IUI '19.
As the technicl lead of the team, I competed in the ICRA 2018 RoboMaster AI Challenge, arobotics competition hosted jointly by DJI and IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, and will compete again in May 2019 in Montreal, Canada. As the first team from Johns Hopkins University to compete in this challenge, we overcame many difficulties and made to the finallist as one of the twelve teams sponsored by DJI based on the quality of the technical report.
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